corporate video production set in Boston area

Behind the Scenes – Corporate Video Production in Boston

March 3, 2023

Discover the secrets behind successful corporate video production in Boston with this comprehensive behind the scenes look! In this article we’ll share 4 aspects to the video…


Statistics on Video Consumption

Does it make sense for me as a business owner to incorporate video into my business model? Will clients actually watch or listen to my content? What if it’s not perfect or is it even worth the effort? We’re here to tell you a resounding YES! And we’re going to back it up with proof. […]

The Most Powerful Tool in Business

January 15, 2021


Comparing Apples to Apples

October 23, 2020

Today’s the big day! Friday’s never felt so good! I’m one of the first people to get their hands on the new, state-of-the-art iPhone 12 Pro. You all know my obsession with Apple products far precedes the creation of this company. In fact, Apple products have had a hand in helping Mike and I grow […]


Sunset at Surfer's End - Newport RI

Summer skies’ soft transition into autumn leaves for some glorious sunsets, but that’s not all. These warm evenings provide the perfect lighting for photos. In photography, the time just before sunset and after sunrise is known as the Golden Hour. But what makes the Golden Hour so special? The colors we see in the sunset […]

Top 5 Sunset Spots in Rhode Island

August 25, 2020


An Open Letter To Our Frontline Workers

May 1, 2020

First of all, let’s not beat around the bush. You’re heroes. Plain and simple. You’re ALL heroes! Everyone out there helping our world maintain some semblance of normalcy. From cop to cashier – from bank teller to teacher – from doctor to delivery driver; we owe an enormous debt of gratitude to each and every […]