Behind The Edit | GoRuck + WBW

While working on a current project, we thought we should share a quick behind the scenes look at it as well as some insight into why we’re creating this video.

This project we’re working on is for our client, GoRuck. We flew out to Colorado back in April and shot a weekend long event with them and have since produced several videos with all of the footage. One of the videos we’re making is a ~15 minute piece documenting the journey to becoming a Cadre for GoRuck. What we’re also doing is creating a 1-minute piece for social media to help promote the longer video. Here’s a sneak peek of the video.

It’s important to keep in mind different audiences and different strategies of getting more people to see your video(s). For instance, you can’t post a 15-minute video on Instagram or Twitter, but maybe you’ve built a great following on those platforms. So what do you do?

What you can do is make a ‘trailer’ or shorter video that will entice people to want to see more. That’s exactly what we’re doing here. This 1-minute clip will be used to drive more viewers to the longer video and we’re working hard to make sure that will happen!

If you’re business is looking to produce video, reach out to us and see how we can help. Take a look around our website to see our work and fill out a contact form to get in touch!

Hope you enjoy this clip and thanks for taking the time to read this blog!

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