Behind The Wounded By War Documentary

In December of 2017, we received an opportunity to interview Kevin Flike. Kevin, a quiet and humble guy from Weymouth, Massachusetts, is a former Staff Sargent in the US Army Green Berets.

On September 25, 2011, Kevin’s life changed forever. He was 7 months into his second deployment, based out of Kunduz, Afghanistan. During a routine valley clearing operation, he encountered and engaged in a firefight against the Taliban with his 11 other teammates and the Afghan Commandos they had been training for over 2 years. After being pinned down for 11 hours, Kevin was seriously wounded from a gunshot wound to the stomach and it was uncertain if he would even make it out alive.

However, without missing a beat, his team risked their lives carrying him throughout the warzone and eventually getting him to a spot where he was able to be safely medevac. It just so happened that one of Flike’s teammates had a bodycam on and captured all of the events from that day. 

After almost a year of editing and gathering old photos and videos, we were able to assemble our short documentary, Wounded By War: The Story of Kevin Flike. The documentary takes you along Kevin’s journey from the live footage of his rescue, to the major obstacles and hurdles he needed to overcome in order to recover. From questioning whether he will live, life changing medical procedures, PTSD, drinking and addiction to painkillers, Kevin brings us along his entire journey of recovery.

In November of 2018, we had the honor to stand alongside Kevin and the Green Beret Foundation in order to premiere the documentary to over 200 people at the Fairmont Copley Hotel in Boston, MA. All of the proceeds from the ticket sales went directly to The Green Beret Foundation. Originally, we had our goal of $10,000 for the night. Due to the generosity and support of the sponsors, everyone who attended, as well as donations from those who could not make it, almost $35,000 was raised for the foundation. We were blown away by the final number and cannot thank everyone enough. 

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The Green Beret Foundation focuses on Green Berets who have been wounded, their families, and the families of our fallen. They have a strong focus on addressing the needs of Green Berets as they transition back into civilian life. 


We plan on continuing to premiere the documentary across the country but if you cannot wait for us to come to your town, it is available for purchase off of Vimeo on Demand. Just simply click this link: and you are able to buy the documentary instantly. All of the proceeds will go towards benefiting The Green Beret Foundation.

As a company, this was a story we felt the public needed to hear. Not everyone is aware of what the men and women of our armed forces go through both abroad and while they are home. We felt putting out Kevin’s story would help further that understanding, while also raising money for a great cause. We would like to thank everyone who came out and supported us at the premiere, bought the documentary and/or donated their hard earned money. Men and women like Kevin put their life on the line everyday so we can live free and while they will never ask for anything in return, it is always amazing to see the public come out in support. 

Also, make sure to check out the video we made for The Green Beret Foundation’s fundraiser at The Sig Sauer’s Shooting Academy. This was the first annual event put on by Kevin Flike, now a Green Beret ambassador. Donors were able to be trained by Green Berets and Former Green Berets while they showed them how to handle firearms. The day was full of fun, stories and just an overall good time. The next event will be on June 1, 2019 – every ticket sold is a donation straight to the Green Beret Foundation.

Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this, pass it on to friends and family! As always, if you have any questions at all, feel free to shoot us an email at

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