What Do You Do?

Happy Friday! We hope your day is going super well. 

We put out all this content about us, what we do, what we’re up to, blah blah blah. But what about you? We want to switch it up and hear from you. First of all, we appreciate you being subscribed to our blog and checking out what we do. But what good is this if we never really know who you are? We don’t want to be selfish. 

We want to get to know you a little more; we’re two friendly Mikes and we like people, so tell us who you are! If and when you have a minute, send us an email at hi@focusforwardmedia.com with the subject “Hey Mike!” and tell us who you are, where you work, and what you do! We would really enjoy getting to know our audience. 

That’s it! We just enjoy meeting new people and want to know who we’re sending out emails to! We hope you have a great rest of the day, and an incredible weekend. 

Any questions, comments, concerns? You can also email us at hi@focusforwardmedia.com for that, too. 🙂 

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