3 Great Sunset Spots in Providence

Most people love a good sunset, right? We know we do! So we decided to put together a list of 3 spots in Providence to catch a nice sunset. 

1. Providence Place garage 

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Parking in the garage less than 2 hours is free! Which should be plenty of time to snap a few nice shots of the sunset and get out of there. Go up to almost any floor, the higher the better, and go to the side of the garage looking over I-95. You’ll have a great view of the Promenade, 95, and some buildings in the distance. It’s a pretty decent spot, easy to get to, and free! (as long as you don’t stay more than 2 hours)

2. Waterplace Park

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This spot is right across Providence Place Mall, so again you could park in the garage. Sometimes there is street parking around the corner or on a side street but it’s not hard to get to. There’s great views on the upper area and you can walk along Finance Way to see some different views, or you can walk down the stairs to get to the river area as well. 

3. Prospect Park (Prospect Terrace Park)

We saved the best for last! This is a great spot and you might already know of it, but if you don’t, we highly recommend checking it out. People go here to watch the sunset, do yoga, and even to propose! 

Prospect park is awesome. It’s on College Hill. There’s a lot of parking right on the sidewalk and on side streets as well. The views here are incredible and it’s a nice place to relax too!

If you go to any of these spots and get some a nice shot, tag us in your Instagram/FB post or email us the picture, we’d love to see your perspective! As always, we hope you enjoyed this post and if you have any questions about these spots or anything at all, don’t hesitate to leave a comment or shoot us an email at hi@focusforwardmedia.com 

Have a great day!

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