The Battle of Big Tech

March 22, 2021

Ever since the Fortnite craze that took off in 2017, the tech world has been enamored by battles royale. Now in 2021, the stage is being set for one of tech’s biggest standoffs: Facebook versus Apple. The stakes? Your privacy and – as Facebook claims – the lifeblood of small businesses: targeted advertising. So what’s […]


Today’s the big day! Friday’s never felt so good! I’m one of the first people to get their hands on the new, state-of-the-art iPhone 12 Pro. You all know my obsession with Apple products far precedes the creation of this company. In fact, Apple products have had a hand in helping Mike and I grow […]

Comparing Apples to Apples

October 23, 2020


ARM’d For The Future – Apple Chips

August 7, 2020

All that and a bag of chips. No not those kinds, Mike! Put the dip back. I’m talking about Apple’s decision to take their hardware to the next level. Apple’s designers shocked everyone at this year’s Worldwide Developers Conference, announcing that it will no longer utilize the Intel chips that have powered processors inside Macs […]