Advertising On Twitter: What You May Not Know

You might be running some ads and posting content on Facebook, Instagram, maybe Google ads too. But what about Twitter? It seems that many people forget about Twitter or don’t pay much attention to it because they feel it isn’t valuable. However, if you read this article, you’ll find it is quite valuable and maybe it will inspire you to start using Twitter more!

Twitter Ads

Much like Facebook, Instagram, Google and others, Twitter has a paid Ad product with two different options. One option is their ‘Twitter Promote Mode’ which automatically promotes your tweets and profile for a flat rate of $99 per month. It’s essentially an ‘always-on’ ad product, to learn more about it, click here.

The other Ad product is basically called ‘Twitter Ads’ and is geared towards creating campaigns with a set budget and an objective. Some of the objectives are things like get more followers, gain more website traffic, get more downloads of your app, along with a few others. You create the campaign, you set the budget, you set the targeting, and the call to action so you can really advertise the way you want. There is a ‘quick promote’ campaign for select tweets, but at this point you’re better off setting the targeting, the budget, CTA, etc. to get a better result. To learn more about this method, click here.

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Now that you have a general understanding of the way Twitter Ads work, here are some stats that might surprise you.

  • 75% of B2B businesses are advertising on Twitter

  • Twitter Ads are 11% more effective than TV ads during live events

  • From October 2017 to 2018, Twitter posted a 50% increase in ad engagement

    • In the same time span, there was a 14% decline in cost per engagement

  • 40% of users say they have made a purchase based off an influencer’s tweet

  • Promoted tweets with video saved 50% on their cost per engagement

  • $70 million was spent on Ads in 2017

Advertising on Twitter is one thing, but you can get results by posting organic content too, especially if you’re starting out and not sure you want to pour significant $$$ into Twitter Ads. Twitter is a valuable place for content whether you’re putting money behind it or not. Here are some more stats.

  • There are 500 million tweets sent every day, that’s almost 6,000 every second

  • People are 31% more likely to recall something they saw on Twitter

  • Tweets with images get 150% more retweets

  • If you’re in the news/media business, good for you because 71% of people say they read their news on Twitter.

  • You should be optimizing your content for mobile because 80% of users access Twitter from their phones

  • 54% of users in a survey stated that they took action after seeing a brand mentioned in a tweet (visiting their site, searching for them, retweeting their content, etc.)

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Video on Twitter can be exceptionally powerful. Here are a few stats regarding video on Twitter

  • Twitter ranks as the #1 platform for ‘coming across video’ (i.e. discovering new video content)

  • 5x more people discover new video on Twitter than through other sources

  • 93% of Twitter’s video views are on mobile devices

  • Video views on Twitter have grown 220x in the last year

  • Video on Twitter can increase your brands awareness by 61%

    • It also leads to an average increase in intent to purchase by 34%

Will you put some time into twitter now?

We hope you found this info valuable! We know there are so many ways to advertise these days and figuring out the best methods can be a challenge, but we’re always here to help if you need it. If you found this article useful, we’d love to hear your feedback. If you have any questions for us, if you want to give us some feedback or want to see how we can help you, you can get in touch with us at or by filling out a form on our contact page.

Thanks for reading! Have a great day!

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