3 Entry-Level Options To Add Video To Your Marketing

While video is essentially a must for your marketing plan, we understand it can be a daunting process to start. If you’ve never done video before, you first have to decide whether you want to do it in-house or outsource it. One important thing to keep in mind is that you want the quality of the videos to properly reflect your brand.

If you do it in-house, you now need to look into what camera equipment to buy, the right computer to buy, video editing software, and more. Also, you need to make sure the person you hire is familiar with the equipment, computer and software.

If you outsource, now you have to look for companies in your area, meet with them, and choose one. It’s important to choose one that you get along with, who’s work you like, and who’s cost fits with your budget.

So you’re ready to make a video! Where do you start?

Well there are endless options with more; some more time-consuming/costly than others. You could make a 2-3 minute video that contains interviews with important people in your company and truly shows what you do, what makes you different, and why people should do business with you. This is what some might call an ‘overview video’ or ‘about us video.’

This is often a great video to make but it can be time consuming. We wanted to give you 3 video ideas here that can be an easier entry point to add video to your marketing.

1. Video Testimonials

If you have a successful product or service and happy customers, then you’re ready for this one. Video testimonials are a great way to share your customers’ stories to people who may be on the fence. What’s unique about doing video testimonials is that it brings online reviews to life. Many people can read your reviews online but watching and hearing someone share their thoughts about your business can really make a difference.

2. Video FAQ’s

If you or your business gets a lot of questions, this can be a great option for people to easily learn about your business and get to know you. For example, if you are an IT company, you likely get a lot of questions. One way to set yourself apart would be to make videos of you answering common questions you get. When people visit your website and they have these questions, you’re giving them free value. Now they will likely stay on your site longer, be inclined to visit your site again with more questions, and more inclined to reach out to you when they do need your services because you’ve provided them with free value. Below is an example we actually created ourselves!

3. Video Tips

This option is similar to #2. I’ll use an accountant as an example. If you’re an accountant and you make a video titled “3 Tax Tips For Small Business Owners” where you give small business owners tips on doing their taxes, you’re going to stand out and get more visitors to your site. You could even make a video called “3 Reasons Why You Need a Professional CPA” and you tell people why they should hire a professional to do their taxes. People appreciate free knowledge, and let’s be honest, most people don’t want to do their own taxes, they just want to save money. So if you can save them money and do their taxes, you win. That’s just one example, but this method can apply to many other businesses.

Also, making these videos with mobile viewers/being mobile friendly in mind is very important.


We hope this helps you or inspires you to start implementing video into your marketing plan. If it does and you’re interested in talking with us or just have some questions, we’re happy to help. You can fill out a contact form or email us directly – hi@focusforwardmedia.com

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