3 Ways Video Can Help Your Business

Read time: 5 minutes
Video examples: 12-14 minutes

If you’ve ever wondered how video can help your business, hopefully this will help you answer that question. There’s no doubt that video can be extremely beneficial; just consider the following facts to start:

  • 81% of businesses use video in their marketing, up from 63% in a 2017 survey

  • 97% of marketers say that video has helped their consumer better understand their product or service

  • 76% say that video has helped increase sales

  • 81% of people have been convinced to buy a product or service after watching a video
    Stats provided by Wyzowl on Hubspot.

Those are just a few facts! The link above has several more. But let’s get into this article! 

1. Product or Service

If your business sells a product or service, a video is one of the best ways to market it. 

Think about it, what better way to show someone how to use your team communication app than a video? For example, a video made for Slack, the team communication app.

Or, it could simply be a video to show off your mobile charger in someone’s daily life. Example below of a video we made. 

Think about your own daily life, if you had a question about how to use a product you just bought and when you googled your question, 1 result is a video and 1 is an article, which would you choose? Probably a video. *72% of people would rather watch a video than read text to learn about a product or service*

2. Event Video

Whether you stream it live or not, and whether you use video before or after the event, it can be very powerful to add to your event marketing strategy. 

For example, if you have a conference coming up in a few months and you want more attendees, creating a video to increase excitement can do that! Those that are already registered will probably share the video with friends, and anyone not going might now be interested in going! Flip the perspective, if you saw a video for an event that got you really pumped up, really made you more interested and you were free that day, would you think about buying tickets/going to the event? I know I would. For example, below is a video for INBOUND, one of the biggest digital marketing conferences that happens in Boston every year.

If you’re a marketer and have not been to INBOUND before, you probably will want to go after seeing this video. Now put that strategy to use for your business. 

Maybe you have an event that could create some buzz about your business? That’s cool too! Our client Gallifords restaurant recently had a 1 Year Anniversary party and we produced a short recap video of it! See below. 

Gallifords distributed this video on their Facebook page and it created lots of buzz! People who had attended were commenting on it and sharing it with their friends. Now those people are learning about a new restaurant and might visit Gallifords. Or the people who know Gallifords but didn’t go might want to go to the next event because they saw what they missed.

Now if they want to have another party on their 2nd Anniversary, they can use this video to entice more visitors for that as well!

3. Fundraising

If you are a non-profit or your business needs fundraising, video can make a HUGE impact. It’s all about emotion.

I know it sounds like a broken record, but think about yourself personally. If you watched a video about money being raised to help a foundation or a cause and it truly hit your emotion and made you feel like you could make a difference, would you donate? For example, watch this commercial made for Water.org and Stella Artois. 

Could you imagine waiting up to 6 hours to get water? This is a truly powerful video made by Stella to show people an insane reality and hopefully generate more fundraising for Water.org.

We recently finished a project with one of our clients, Find The Cause, where we interviewed 4 doctors about the current research they are doing to find certain causes of breast cancer. The goal was to show people where the money goes and to try to raise more money to continue this incredible research. Check out the video below. 

We were told that after watching this video, one of their donors doubled their donation. This goes to show that using video can truly be effective in this area of business. 

We are also currently working on a few videos with Lahey Health to help raise money for their Annual Cancer 5K. Again, whether your business is a non-profit and raising money for a cause, or you are fundraising for another reason, video can be very effective if done right. 

After reading this, we hope you can see the big impact that video can have regardless of what type of business you are. If you do it right, creating video(s) for your business can have a significant upside.

To learn how we can help your business with video, or if you just have a few questions, please feel free to email us at hi@focusforwardmedia.com! Thank you for reading and have a great day! 

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