Why You Should Be Taking Advantage of Facebook Video

With just over 2 BILLION monthly active users, Facebook is the most popular social media platform out there, there’s no arguing that. And did you know that 8 billion videos are watched on average per day on Facebook? That’s right; 8 BILLION…per DAY!

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There is an enormous amount of opportunity for your product or service to be seen if you use Facebook video. Sure, you can hire a company to make a video and post it on your website, but if you’re ignoring Facebook, that’s a loss of up to 500 million people every day! Do you want to ignore 500 million people daily? Now obviously it would be extremely difficult to get every person watching video on Facebook to watch your video, but even if you took .01% of that number, that’s still 500,000! There is no reason to to be ignoring Facebook. 

Here’s a few more astounding facts:
– Facebook is rated 8.4X more impactful for video than any other social media platform
– Facebook video receives an average of 135% more organic reach than photos on Facebook
– As of June 2017, views on branded videos on Facebook have grown by about 258%
– Native videos on Facebook have 10X more reach than if you were to link to YouTube or Vimeo

These are just a few of the facts, there are many more and it really is incredible how much of an impact Facebook video can have. Infact, in 2017, 44% of small business owners and marketers planned on spending money to promote their video on Facebook. I think the other 66% needs to get on board with that idea. 

So the question is, are you creating video for Facebook and/or distributing current videos through Facebook? If not, you are truly missing a huge opportunity. 

If you’d like to discuss producing a video for your business or if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email us at hi@focusforwardmedia.com! 

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